Plan, Promote, and Execute Your High-Converting Launch

Without the frenzy

Let Me Guess...

You’re launching 4 to 6 times per year, and making money, but it’s at the cost of your sanity, your health, and your team.

You always stampede over the close-cart finish line so frazzled that you don't have the energy to serve the new clients that the launch brought in.

You’re up late the night before the cart opens, "tweaking" emails, social posts, and the sales page.

You’re struggling to manage a team of contractors or employees who are all working on different pieces of the launch process. Or, worse, you are trying to do everything yourself - the copy, the graphics, the tech - and none of those are your zone of genius.

You’re worried that if you put one more launch on the calendar, your launch team might revolt.

You’ve even considered quitting launching because you’re tired of the feast-and-famine style

Launching Doesn't have to be this way

The Elevated Launch System is the comprehensive, step-by-step construction manual to launch
with ease, power, and effectiveness without the frenzy.

Hi, I'm Valerie

And I'm hooked on online launches.

I've been the operational wizard behind the curtain of several five and six-figure launches in the online space. (As well as in-person sales events)

Watching too many successful-on-the-surface launches leave the entrepreneurs (and their teams) exhausted, burned out, stressed out, and on the brink of giving up launching, I knew their had to be a better way.

I discovered the alchemy of successful launches - it's a delicate blend of in-depth knowledge, reliable resources, and purposeful planning.

Through sharing my hard-earned wisdom and proven strategies, I've watched entrepreneurs just like you step into their launch with confidence, ease, and excitement. It's not a pipe dream, it's a reality - a reality I call 'Elevated Launches'.

Elevated Launches isn't about crossing your fingers and hoping for the best. It's a systematic approach that we've tested, honed, and perfected. It's a roadmap that my clients and I have used time and time again to consistently smash our launch goals.

I'm here to help you harness the power of Elevated Launches. To move you from chaos and confusion to a place of clarity and control. Let’s rise above the frenzy and elevate your launch game together!